The IBR project is a non-profit initiative that encourages and guides companies to act responsibly when doing business in Iran.
IBR works collaboratively with companies, governments and other stakeholders to foster business practices that respect people and the environment, enhancing the benefits business can bring and reducing risks for companies.
We neither promote nor oppose business investment in Iran, seeking only to facilitate adherence to international responsible business standards.
As companies embrace the potential offered by Iran, a commitment to doing business responsibly can initiate a virtuous circle with benefits for all.
IBR works with companies, governments and other stakeholders to foster responsible business in Iran by:
IBR offers Online Resources through the IBR website, as well as opportunities for Collaborative Engagement through a variety of single and multi-stakeholder forums.
IBR’s Online Resources, many in both English and Farsi, include an expanding roster of briefings, videos and infographics that offer information critical to doing business responsibly in Iran, and a curated news feed that provides continuous updates on business and investment activity in Iran from trusted news sources.
IBR has also developed Practice Notes, available as an online interactive feature, a report and a slide presentation, which bring users the learning from existing company practice in challenging environments worldwide together with detailed insights on how these practices may be applied in Iran.
These online resources help companies and governments meet the expectations of investors, civil society, the public and other stakeholders regarding responsible business behavior.
IBR’s Collaborative Engagement programme offers companies, governments, financiers, investors and other stakeholders a variety of in-person forums in which to discuss, share experiences, learn more intensively about the challenges to responsible business issues in Iran, and develop effective and practical strategies to address these challenges.
These forums include:
IBR has carried out a number of sessions and workshops with companies, industry associations, export credit agencies (ECAs), financial institutions, multilateral development organizations and government.
While there are different views regarding foreign investment in Iran, where such investment does occur, the imperative should be on promoting responsible business standards. Such standards can help companies avoid harmful impacts on people and the environment and improve the benefits that business can bring to the people of Iran.
International standards on responsible business call upon companies to have a policy commitment and management systems in place to avoid, mitigate and remediate actual or potential negative impacts.
Yet companies entering Iran will find that business practices there may raise the risk of negative impacts, and that they will be operating in a context that poses significant challenges to responsible business.
These challenges include:
Without effective strategies to address these challenges, companies can find themselves involved in adverse impacts on people and the environment. These impacts not only hurt communities, they can also result in legal, financial and reputational damage to companies.
IBR’s mission is to help avoid such impacts, so that the benefits of investment can be shared by all.
Established in 2016, the IBR project is a joint initiative of the London-based Business & Human Rights Resource Centre (BHRRC) and the New York-based Center for Human Rights in Iran (CHRI).
BHRRC brings its depth of experience with international standards on responsible business worldwide and CHRI brings its extensive knowledge and expertise on Iran.